In order to start Accessibility analysis of your website project repository it needs to be added as a project into Continuous Accessibility. The ideal scenario is to import it from one of the supported Git hosting (Application Lifecycle Management Systems) like GitHub or Azure DevOps. If your Git hosting is not supported by Continuous Accessibility yet - there is an option for you to add the repository manually.
During a project creation there are various settings which have default vales but can be overridden, like Project name, Main branch name etc. Those settings can be changes either during project creation or later on project settings page.
Upon creation of a new project you can opt in to override some of the default settings. Those settings can be changed at any time on the project settings page.
Project Name
Project Name identifies your project in the CI/CD Dashboard and the UserWay CLI-kit. The name must be slug-compatible, containing only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens, with no spaces, ensuring compatibility across different software environments. It is essential that each project name is unique within your organization.
Main branch name
This branch is usually known within a development team as "main", "develop" or "head" and is analyzed when no specific branch parameters are provided. When importing repository from a Git hosting the main branch is copied from the main branch name in your repository. This is the first branch which has to be analyzed in your project
Enable URL Parameters
Enable the 'URL parameters’ feature to recognize and include URLs with query parameters and hashes in page URLs. This is particularly useful for websites where page content is dynamically determined by URL query parameters or hashes, such as '/?page=main' or '/#order-list. When activated, this setting ensures that the accessibility issue location takes into account each unique combination of parameters, providing a more comprehensive analysis of your website's structure.
Page URL templates
For websites with dynamic structures, such as URLs containing entity IDs (e.g., '/shop/iphone-15'), it's crucial to define page templates to ensure accurate detection of unique pages. Add your website's routing templates (like '/my/page/:page') as a separate item in the list. This feature aids in correctly identifying and analyzing distinct pages of your website.
There are 2 major ways of creating a new project in Continuous Accessibility: import of a git repo from a supported ALM and adding git repo manually: