The a11y-selenium-java is a Java library designed to help you perform accessibility testing on your web pages. Using this tool you can easily run static analysis on a webpage and get a detailed report of accessibility violations based on WCAG guidelines and ACT rules. The library extends Selenium testing framework, making it easy to integrate with your existing testing workflow by using a few lines of code.
// src/test/java/com/example/slenium/e2e/
public class MyE2ETest {
@DisplayName("Basic example")
void basicExampleTest() {
var driver = new ChromeDriver();
var analysisConfig = AnalysisConfig.builder().build();
var auditConfig = AuditConfig.builder()
var statistics = AccessibilityAuditor.userwayAnalysis(auditConfig);
Selenium 4.0.0
or higher
UserWay Selenium Java plugin is distributed as an artifact in Maven Repository
Add dependency in your pom.xml
Install dependencies
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Now you can use static method AccessibilityAuditor#userwayAnalysis(AuditConfig)
in your Selenium tests.