E2E test frameworks
Selenium Java


This example shows how to use UserWay Selenium accessibility library to run static analysis on a webpage:

public class MyE2ETests {
    private static WebDriver driver;
    private static AuditConfig auditConfig;
    static void setup() {
        var options = new ChromeOptions();
        driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
        // Prepare analysis configuration
        var analysisConfig = AnalysisConfig.builder()
                .level(Level.AA) // Analyse for A- and AA-level violations only
                .ignoreSelectors(Set.of("button", "div")) // Do not analyse HTML elements that have these selectors
                // ... more configurations
        // Prepare configuration for Selenium accessibility audit
        auditConfig = AuditConfig.builder()
                .driver(driver) // Add your WebDriver here
                .analysisConfiguration(analysisConfig) // Attach prepared analysis config
                .saveReport(true) // Whether analysis reports for CA11Y platform should be saved or not
                .reportPath("./uw-a11y-reports") // Set directory where analysis results will be saved
                .elementScreenshots(true) // We will make screenshots of violations on your website
                // ... more configurations
    @DisplayName("Basic workflow example")
    void basicWorkflowExampleTest() throws InterruptedException {
        // Open target page
        // Prepare and wait until page loads with your favourite method
        // Execute analysis
        var statistics = AccessibilityAuditor.userwayAnalysis(auditConfig);
        // Optional: use analysis results for your assertions
        // ... more assertions

By default, UserWay Selenium scans the page for AA violations and neither saves JSON report nor makes screenshots, but you can easily customize its behavior.