
What is Continuous Accessibility?

UserWay Continuous Accessibility is a cloud-based SaaS designed to ensure web applications meet global accessibility standards, making them usable for people with disabilities. This service focuses on helping developers, QA engineers, and web designers identify and resolve accessibility issues in line with guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), Section 508, and ADA compliance, ensuring their websites are accessible to all users.

Core principles focus on developer-centric experience, providing high-quality feedback early in your workflow, and integrating with major DevOps platforms and E2E testing frameworks.

Integration Architecture

Key features:

  • Support for Major End-to-End (E2E) Testing Frameworks: Continuous Accessibility integrates seamlessly with leading E2E testing frameworks such as Cypress, Playwright, and Selenium. This allows for automated accessibility testing within existing testing workflows, making it easier for teams to incorporate accessibility checks into their development processes.

  • Integration with Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipelines: It seamlessly integrates with popular CI/CD tools and platforms such as GitHub, Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps. This integration allows for automated accessibility analysis with each commit or pull request, facilitating early detection and correction of issues.

  • Pull Request Analysis: Continuous Accessibility analyzes the accessibility impact of code changes in pull requests, providing insights and feedback before the code is merged. This ensures that new or modified features do not introduce accessibility regressions and comply with standards from the onset.

  • Comprehensive Accessibility Testing: The service scans web applications to detect a wide range of accessibility issues, from missing alt text for images to incorrect ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes, ensuring compliance with the latest accessibility standards.

  • Detailed Issue Reporting: Continuous Accessibility provides detailed reports on identified accessibility issues, including their exact location in the html page, an explanation of why each issue is a problem, and step-by-step guidance on how to fix them.

  • Collaboration Tools: Continuous Accessibility offers tools for teams to collaborate on fixing accessibility issues, including the ability to assign tasks, track progress, and verify fixes, facilitating a team-oriented approach to web accessibility.

  • Quality Gates: Set custom thresholds and criteria that code changes must meet regarding accessibility compliance before being approved. These quality gates help enforce accessibility standards, ensuring that only code that meets or exceeds these standards is deployed to production.

  • Customizable Testing Strategies: Users can customize testing strategies to focus on specific areas of their site or application, or to prioritize certain types of accessibility issues, allowing for targeted improvements based on the unique needs of their project.

Continuous Accessibility is ideal for organizations committed to making their digital content accessible to every user, regardless of disability. By integrating with popular E2E testing frameworks and offering comprehensive tools for both automated and manual testing, Continuous Accessibility empowers teams to build more inclusive web experiences efficiently.
